“We cannot do anything to earn our salvation. God saves us by His grace through faith in Christ.” – Ephesians 2:8-10
What Is The Gospel?
The gospel means the Good News. However, for there to be good news something must be wrong. What is wrong?
There is Sin and Death in the World
You do not have to look far to realize that the world is full of sin and death. Where did this come from? Why is there sin?
In the beginning, God created the world and it was perfect. There was no death and no sin. God and man had a perfect relationship, but man was tempted and disobeyed God. This caused sin and death to enter the world.
This is why there is pain, suffering, depression, murder, lying, and deceitfulness in the world. Man brought it and man is responsible to pay for his sin and we all pay it with death. This is the truth and bad news about us all.
But there is good news.
There Is a Way to Life
God did not want man to stay in sin, so He came to earth as a man. His name is Jesus. He was born with a earthly mother and heavenly Father. Therefore, Jesus is the Godman. Only a man could pay the penalty for sin because man sinned, but only God could be perfect and be the sacrifice for the payment. So Jesus willingly took on death and when that happened He created a way for us to be right with God. This is the hope!
The Good News
If you believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior you can be saved from the payment of sin. Jesus’ blood counts for you before God. All you have to do is believe on the name of Jesus for salvation. This is the Good News
We are asking you, would you like to believe in Jesus for salvation from sin?
If yes, just talk to Jesus right now and tell him you believe and you repent of your sins and you want life.